Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Day of Clay!

16 Art Teachers participated in the Art PD opportunity Sponsored by KyAEA Caveland Region. Nine of the teachers were from Warren County schools. The Workshop was held at Mid-South Clay, Home of the wonderful Danielle McDaniel, The Clay Lady! Danielle did a fabulous job of guiding us through the process of Raku, Handbuilding, and Throwing on the Wheel. Yes! We did all 3! She also gave us a tour of Mid South Clay and told us all about the business of making glazes and selling clay and clay products. We also toured the Artists Co-op and were very impressed by all that we saw. We were given 3 choices of Raku processes; Horsehair, white porcelain glaze with cracks, or Copper glaze. During handbuilding we created woven clay baskets. Danielle taught us her tried and true "Squirrel Method" of throwing! Loved this super creative time with my fellow art teachers! Join us next year.....yep, we are already planning a repeat of this!!

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