Thursday, September 20, 2012

Creating a Barn Quilt

Students at Drakes Creek Middle School have been working hard the past few weeks to come up with designs for Barn Quilts. We began with a study of the art of quilting and we looked at examples of Barn Quilts. A barn quilt is usually 8x8 feet....HUGE! We decided to make ours 1/4 as big so 4x4. We are painting on Blue Styrofoam insulation board from Lowes. To begin our project each student created a small quilt square and then the students voted as a class on whose piece we would use for the class Barn Quilt. That student then led the other students in the design process using a yardstick to measure and draw the quilt and then labeling the colors to be used. Students then took turns painting the colors. The students had to be precise in their measuring so that the quilt would look right. When the Barn Quilts are finished we will display them in the halls of Drakes Creek Middle School and in November they will travel to SKyPAC, Southern Kentucky Performing Arts Center for a show! They will be on display for November and December 2012.

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