I have looked forward to this conference for over a year now and It did not let me down! San Diego was vibrant, colorful, art filled, and home of the 2014 NAEA Conference. The sessions I attended were excellent with many ideas that I can bring to my classroom. I met new people and celebrated our YAM Flag winner. Missi and I served as delegates for the state of Kentucky. We were involved in discussions about art education policies for the classroom and students. We participated in poster sessions and then finally we voted on revised position statements. If you want to view the position statements of NAEA and share with your administration (that is what they are for) just go to the link:

I had the pleasure of serving as a presenter with Robert Duncan, KDE and Jennifer Sims, art teacher extrodinaire. Our presentation was "Kentucky's Arts and Humanities Program Reviews: Informing Program Improvement in Kentucky Schools" I also presented another session entitled: "Leader in Me Murals - A VSA Arts Inclusion Award". I love presenting to other art educators about what is important to me and just showing what I do in my classroom. The discussion that follows a presentation is always the best part. Teachers share so many valuable ideas!

We had a lot of fun in the Photo Booth after making some really great hats during the opening night event.

Vendors is always a highlight and I loved seeing art teachers making things everywhere you looked! I loved painting a tile at Nasco, creating an outfit and watching it come alive on a digital model (Crayola's newest app) and testing out markers at Copic and Sharpie booth. Liquitex and Michael's offered great giveaway bags full of goodies! I was lucky to win $100 worth of supplies from Elmer's and a box of glazes from Nasco! Yes, we shipped boxes home! Next year I am thinking road trip to New Orleans….big vehicle!

On the last day Missi and I took a 2 hour cruise around the harbor and saw some beautiful sights, boats and submarines! Plus, it was truly relaxing to sit with my good friend and work in our sketchbooks while cruising. Then we went over to the sights, sounds and smells of "Old Town" Loved it and picked up a few souvenirs.

Look for the Sealions basking in the San Diego Sun!

Here's some more pictures of People and NAEA fun