Some of Greenwood High Schools most talented and Creative Students Pose for a Group Photo!

Always remember to take a SILLY picture!
February 28, 2014 Mrs. Emili Terry and I had the honor of taking a group of 33 GHS Students on a Field Trip to WKU. We attended the "IDEA Festival" Which was presented by: WKU Honors College, Innovate Kentucky, WKU Center for Gifted Studies, Innoplexx Student Business Accelerator, The Gatton Academy, and IF IDEA Festival. We heard from speakers such as Bill Capodagli - Author of Innovate the Pixar Way. He presented a session on How to Innovate Like Walt Disney and the Pixarians. We also heard from Brian Mefford, Founder &CEO , CNX Inc.Invent Yourself a Job, Kim Huston - Author of Small Town Sexy, Twyman Clements - Space Systems Engineer, Kentucky Space, Joe Tudor, Art Director Hitcents, Chris Young & Andrew Swanson - Director and Executive Producer, Alone Down There - How to make a big TB Pilot on a not so big budget. Dana Bower - Founder of iPay Technologies, Brad Cooper - Senior Director of Product Innovation, Fruit of the Loom Inc.- Innovating your underwear drawer, and Adam Johnson - Director, Kentucky Bourbon Trail. There were wonderful Q&A sessions with all speakers where students could tweet their questions and then the presenters answered. We got free Starbucks! Yep....True Story! And a wonderful buffet lunch was also included. Students brought their sketchbooks and took visual notes about the day. We all left with lots of new ideas!