Reflections on the art of teaching Art and Leadership in the Arts
by Kim Soule Retired art teacher and Past President of The Kentucky Art Education Association (2014-2015) NAEA Secondary Division Director (2020-2021) Serving currently as KyAEA President (Interim) 2022!
Mallory at work on her Pet Portrait
Mang painting Tiger
Zach learning to Sew! He is making a Stocking.Mrs. G and Elizabeth working on Pet Portraits
Austin working in Sketchbook
"Mice Invasion" An installation by GHS Art II students! Gotta Love this.....everyone does!ART II Batiks in Progress
Courtney creating her batik on paperDestini uses melted crayon to paint a beautiful sunset....can't wait to see the Batik!Jacamrie's butterfly
Taylar at work on a gorgeous dragonfly design